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Minkovsky – Shoffar’s disease: relapse of clinical manifestations as a consequence of supplementary spleen hyperplasia (clinical observation)

[Notes from practice]
Mikhail Nikolaevich Klimentov; Sergeevna Chupina Margarita; Vladislav V. Larin;

A clinical case of relapse of Minkowski – Shoffar disease due to hyperplasia of the accessory spleen is presented. A 26-year-old patient, at the age of 5, underwent splenectomy for hereditary microspherocytic anemia. She turned to a hematologist with complaints of tingling in the left hypochondrium, jaundice of the skin and sclera. During the examination (ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography), an irregular, polycyclic solid formation was revealed in the left subdiaphragmal space, having characteristics typical of the spleen tissue. During laparotomy with an «oblique» access in the left hypochondrium in the subdiaphragmatic space, a tightly elastic formation was found. It was the spleen, which was subsequently confirmed by morphological examination of the surgical preparation. The cause of the recurrence of Minkowski – Shoffar disease was hyperplasia of the accessory spleen, which was not removed during the first operation in childhood.


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Keywords: Minkowski – Shoffard disease, splenosis, splenectomy

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy