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The diagnostics of structural and functional changes at the neck-shoulder syndrome in patients with shoulder injuries consequences

[Original research] [Orthopedics and traumatology]
Evgeny Borisovich Kalinskiy; Leonid Yuryevich Slinyakov; Julia Romanovna Goncharuk; Dmitry Vladimirovich Romadin; Alexey Vladimirovich Lychagin;

In this study was to create and statistically analyze the most accurate method for radiography imaging of the spinal balance disorders. The study included 201 patients aged 18 to 37 years with a dominant right hand and clinical manifestations of the cervicobrachial syndrome after the shoulder injury. The patients were divided into four groups: a control group and three groups according to the location of the injury. All participants underwent postural A-P and sagittal radiography. All data was processed by original program «Spine X-ray Analyze». Four types of deviations from the norm were identified, which were subjected to statistical processing for each individual patient.

The most pronounced changes were found in the third group of patients with shoulder injuries. A statistical correlation was shown between the clinical signs of the cervicobrachial syndrome and the parameters of deviations in the indices of the sagittal spine balance. The «Spine X-ray Analyze» software can be recommended for the diagnostics of various structural and functional changes in cervical-brachial syndrome.


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Keywords: cervicobrachial syndrome, shoulder joint, sagittal balance, cervical spine, postural radiography of the spine

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy