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New coronoviral infection (COVID-19) in patients of the elderly and senile age

Leonid Dvoretsky; Irina Sevastyanovna Komarova; Nadezhda Vladimirovna Mukhina; Natalia Alekseevna Cherkasova; Dyatlov Nikita V.;

The review is devoted to the peculiarities of the course of a new coronavirus infection (CОVID-19) in elderly and senile patients. Data on the epidemiology, pathogenetic mechanisms of development, clinical manifestations, course and prognosis of the disease among geriatric patients are presented. The role of comorbid pathology in the course and prognosis of a new coronavirus infection in the elderly is shown. Recommendations for the treatment of patients with an emphasis on the need to comply with strict indications for prescribing antibacterial drugs in this category of patients are discussed.


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Keywords: new coronavirus infection, elderly patient, immunosuppression, comorbidity, antibacterial therapy

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy