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Role of oxidative stress in the development of complications in patients with diabetes mellitus

Jury Bykov;

An increase in the prevalence and growth of the number of complications of diabetes mellitus affect the quality of life of patients and mortality indicators. The main complications of diabetes include cardiovascular diseases, diabetic polyneuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and encephalopathy, the pathogenesis of which has not been fully studied. One of the promising areas of the search for pathophysiological mechanisms of diabetes is the theory of oxidative stress. It is known that diabetes provokes and enhances oxidative stress with the accumulation of free radical oxidation products due to chronic hyperglycemia and insulin production disorders, which leads to a progression of complications. Oxidizing stress biomarkers can be useful in the diagnosis of diabetes complications, including brain dysfunction. Further research is needed to study oxidative stress, which will improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.


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Keywords: diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress, free radicals, complications

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy