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ISSN 2073-8137

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Autoantibodies to S-100В protein as predictor for severity progression of diabetes mellitus type I in children

Jury Bykov; Tatyana Uglova;

The object of the study was the content of IgG autoantibodies (AAB) to S-100В protein in blood serum in children and teenagers with Diabetes Mellitus Type I. The study involved 76 patients of both sexes aged 1 to 17 years, including 38 children with Type I Diabetes (Group I) and 38 children without diabetes (Group II). It was found that the maximum levels of AAB to S-100В protein were observed in severe cases of Type I Diabetes (Group I). These cases also demonstrated higher levels of glucose: 12.45±1.98 mmol/l and ketone bodies in the urine (160 mg/dl). During the examination, clinical evidence of diabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral edema were observed. In group II, the content of AAB to S-100В protein was within normal range. It is assumed that higher content of AAB to the S-100В protein may be a predictor of children’s brain dysfunction related to long-term Type I Diabetes Mellitus.


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6. Baturin V. A., Bykov Yu. V., Mamceva G. I., Uglova T. I., Baturina M. V. Analysis the level of autoantibodies to dopamine and nmda receptors, S-100 protein, against the background for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children. Rossijskij allergologicheskij zhurnal. – Russian Allergological Journal. 2019;16(1,s.2):34-36. (In Russ.).
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Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Type I, S-100В protein, autoantibodies

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy