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Oksana Vladimirova; Peter Lavreshin; Vladimir Ivanovich Vladimirov; Alina Nikolaevna Grigorova; Vakhtang Gobejishvili; Alexander Dolgalev; Sergey Timofeev; Sofia Korablina;
Pathological excess scar treatment is currently viewed as one of the most urgent issues with no single standard solution. We investigated the effectiveness of platelet-rich autoplasma use to stimulate wound healing. Seventy-six patients were assigned to two equivalent groups: control and main. The dynamics revealed a high efficiency of the plasma autostimulation method, which reduced the time of inpatient treatment, accelerated healing with a decrease in the effects of inflammation in the area of injury, stabilized angiogenesis, fibroplasia, and epithelialization, and, as a consequence, decreased the developmental rate of a pathological scar.
1. Anthonissen M., Daly D., Janssens T., Van den Kerckhove E. The effects of conservative treatments on burn scars: A systematic review. Burns. 2016;42(3):508-518.
2. Silva I. R., Cunha Tiveron L. C. R., Silva M. V., Peixoto A. B., Carneiro C. A. X. [et al.] In situ cytokine expression and morphometric evaluation of total collagen and collagens type I and type III in keloid scars. Mediators Inflamm. 2017:6573802.
3. Nitayavardhana S., Wanitphakdeedecha R., Janice N., Eimpunth S., Manuskiatti W. The efficacy and safety of fractional radiofrequency nanoneedle system in the treatment of atrophic acne scars in Asians. J. Cosmet. Dermatol. 2020;19:1636-1641.
4. Minaev S. V., Vladimirova O. V., Kirgizov I. V., Akselrov M. A., Razin M. P. [et al.] Multicenter study of the effectiveness of antiscar therapy in patients at different age periods. Surgery. Journal them N. I. Pirogov. 2020;(9):51-58.
5. Barbara R., Nicolo C. B., Carlo Ch. Interplay between keratinocytes and fibroblasts: a systematic review providing a new angle for understanding skin fibrotic disorders. Frontiers in immunology. 2020;11(648):1-20.
Keywords: pathological scars, keloid, hypertrophic scar, autostimulation, scar diary, platelet-rich plasma, prevention of pathological scar formation, stimulation of healing