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Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Dinamics of the quality of life in children with celiac disease, complicated with protein-energetic insufficiency, on the background of the nutritional support

[Original research] [Pediatrics]
Madina Daguzhieva; Victoria Kuryaninova; Leonid Klimov; Marina Stoyan; Oksana Feodosiadi; Elena Gerasimenko; Roza Atanesyan; Svetlana Dolbnya;

The quality of life was evaluated in 22 children with celiac disease keeping the strict gluten-free diet enriched with hyper-caloric polymer mixture «Pediasure». It was shown that despite of gluten-free diet (GFD) a great number of patients suffered from protein energetic insufficiency (PEI). The worst life quality in comparison with healthy children was typical for patients with celiac disease complicated with chronic PEI and the lesser decrease of life quality was observed in cases of acute PEI. The nutritional support using hyper-caloric mixture lead to the reliable increase of the life quality in patients with PEI. Growth of physical, emotional and social functioning is inversely proportional to the initial level of the quality of life. Patients with the celiac disease keeping the gluten-free diet need nutritional support courses for the acceleration of physical development and increase of the life quality.


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Keywords: quality of life, children, the celiac disease, protein energetic insufficiency, supplementation of the diet, enteral nutrition

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy