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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Pediatrics]
Sergey Timofeev; Sergey Minaev; Alesya Isaeva; Igor Pavlenko; Yuri Bolotov;
The article presents the facts about the peculiarities of manifestation of the connective tissue dysplasia syndrome in children living in conditions of the Far North of Russia. By examination of 173 children from orphanages of the Magadan region the prevalence and manifestations of the CTD syndrome was determined. In the groups of indigenous children and migrant populations significant differences in the manifestations of the studied syndrome were revealed – higher frequency of manifestations of CTD in non-aboriginal population, which may be associated with the effect of adverse climatic and geographical factors determining the development of the syndrome in the child’s body non-adapted to the conditions of the Far North.
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Keywords: connective tissue dysplasia, structure, prevalence, children