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Evalution of the neurospecific autoantibodies level in patients with Covid-19: preliminary report

Vladimir Baturin; Vladimirovna Kostrovskaya Marina; Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grudina; Mariya Baturina; Arevik Arkadyevna Fil; Vasiliy Fisher; Volkov Evgeny; Tanzilya Adamovna Dotdaeva;

In severe COVID-19 patients the blood level of autoantibodies (IgG) to neurospecific proteins was determined. It defined the marked increase in autoantibodies to peripheral myelin protein, protein lipid protein, S100 protein, type 2 dopamine receptors and dopamine. At the same time, it was designate the relationship between the levels of autoantibodies to the S100 protein and NMDA receptors. High levels of specific IgG to SARS-CoV-2 S-trimer Protein coincided with high levels of autoantibodies to S100 protein and NMDA receptors.


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Keywords: COVID-19, autoantibodies, S100 protein, NMDA receptors, dopamine receptors, dopamine, peripheral myelin protein, myelin proteolipid protein

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy