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ISSN 2073-8137

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Dynamics of life quality indicators in process of rehabilitation treatment in patients with postmastectomy syndrome after combined treatment of breast cancer

Nadezhda Agranovich; Margarita Sergeevna Sivolapova; Arsen Koychuev; Oleg Agranovich;

Up to 85 % of breast cancer patients after a radical course of therapy suffer from postmastectomy syndrome, which significantly worsens the quality of life. The aim of the study is to determine the features of the violation of the quality of life using the methods of interviewing and questioning of patients and to establish the patterns of its change in the process of rehabilitation treatment. The study group included 80 patients; to assess the quality of life, the Short Form Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36), «Well-being, Activity, Mood» questionnaires, and Hamilton’s depression scale were used. According to the data of the SF-36 questionnaire, the indicators of the physical and psychological components of health change significantly, an increase in the indicators of an objective improvement in general well-being, an increase in activity and mood according to the questionnaire «Well-being, Activity, Mood» is noted. After a course of rehabilitation treatment, the psychological state of the patients improved markedly: normal values on the Hamilton Depression Scale were noted in 40 %, mild depressive disorder in 31 %, moderate in 21.5 %, the frequency of severe degree decreased to 5 %, extremely severe – to 2.5 %. Thus, restorative treatment of postmastectomy syndrome has a positive effect on indicators of quality of life, psychological status, and rehabilitation prognosis.


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Keywords: breast cancer, postmastectomy syndrome, quality of life, rehabilitation treatment

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy