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[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Dmitry Efremenko; Vitaly Efremenko; Irina Kuznetsova; Tatyana Taran; Anna Efremenko; Olga Kogotkova;
To study the distribution of liposomal forms of antibiotics in the macroorganism rifampicin was fixed in the membrane of lipid vesicles, azithromycin and ampicillin – in the internal part of liposomes. Liposomal membrane was formed from phospholipids and lipids extracted from pig brain, as well as from egg lecithin with cholesterol. As a marker of the aqueous phase of liposomes radioactively labeled with iodine-125 protein cytochrome-C was included. Liposomal forms of rifampicin and azithromycin in experimental animals were administered per os, liposomal form of ampicillin – intramuscularly. The peculiarities of organ and tissue distribution of liposomal forms of antibiotics in the body of experimental biological models were determined.
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Keywords: lipid nanocontainers, liposomal forms of antibiotics, rifampicin, azithromycin, ampicillin