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Sergei Karpov; Sergey Vyacheslavovich Krokhmal´; Aleksey Karpov; Irina Vishlova; Karen Karakov; Arthur Eduardovich Apaguni; Dmitry Hristoforando;
Maxillofacial trauma leads to aggravation of the course of mild neurotrauma. Adaptation mechanisms are characterized by the depletion of ergotropic systems with overtension of trophotropic mechanisms. Autonomic neurophysiological processes in the post-traumatic period are a reflection of recovery without dependence on the localization of the maxillofacial trauma, which combines the mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system reaction to trauma with different localization.
1. Glukhova Yu. M., Sinyakov V. P., Sinyakova A. N. Epidemiologicheskiye aspekty travm chelyustno-litsevoy oblasti sredi naseleniya goroda Khabarovska. Institut stomatologii. – Institute of Dentistry. 2018;1(78):28-29. (In Russ.).
2. Shunned Samierirad, Mohammad-Reza Aboutorabzade. Maxilofacial fracture epidemiology and treatment plans in the Northeast of Iran: A retrospective study. Med. Oral. Patol. Cir. Bucal. 2017;Sep.1;22(5):616-624.
3. Saleyev R. A., Abdrashitova A. B. Rasprostranennost zabolevany chelyustno-litsevoy oblasti sredi lits trudosposobnogo vozrasta, prozhivayushchikh v Respublike Tatarstan. Stomatologiya. – Dentistry. 2019;98(6):13-17. (In Russ.).
4. Nazarova Ye. O., Karpov S. M., Apaguni A. E., Vyshlova I. A. Sovremenny vzglyad na patogeneticheskiye mekhanizmy travmaticheskoy bolezni pri politravme (obzor literatury). Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnology. Elektronnoye izdaniye. – Bulletin of new medical technologies. Electronic edition. 2018;1:126-130. (In Russ.).
5. Abdrashitova A. B., Saleyev R. A. Vremennaya netrudosposobnost patsiyentov pri travmakh chelyustno-litsevoy oblasti. Rossysky stomatologichesky zhurnal. – Russian dental Journal. 2019;23(3-4):133-139. (In Russ.).
6. Medvedev V. E., Frolova V. I., Drobyshev A. Yu. Psikhopatologicheskiye rasstroystva u patsiyentov s travmami chelyustno-litsevoy oblasti. Arkhiv vnutrenney meditsiny. – Archive of Internal Medicine. 2016;6(S1):74-75. (In Russ.)
Keywords: maxillofacial trauma, mild neurotrauma, autonomic nervous system