Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Clinical and computer-tomographic diagnostics of the individual position of medial cutters in people with physiological occlusion

Alexandr Korobkeev; Dmitry Domenyuk; Sergey Dmitrienko; Yana Korobkeeva; Vasiliy Grinin; Vladimir Shkarin;

Based on the results of studying the gypsum models of the jaws, teleroentgenograms and cone-beam computer tomograms of 109 patients with physiological occlusion and a full set of permanent teeth, the clinical and radiological inclination values of the central incisors of the upper and lower jaw were calculated, as well as the parameters of the intercutaneous angle. The patients, depending on the torsional inclination of the central incisors, had a mesotrusive (incision angle 125°–134°), protrusive (incision angle less than 120°) and retrusive (incision angle more than 145°) position. The established boundaries of reference values and confidence intervals of the incisal angle and inclination angles of the central incisors of the upper and lower jaw, taking into account the torsional inclination, indicate that the difference between the values of the clinical and radiological incisors of the incisors fluctuates within 26°. It is advisable to use the obtained data when choosing braces for the treatment of occlusion anomalies, taking into account the individual features of the structure of dental systems and types of face, as well as when setting up artificial teeth, intraosseous dental implants, prosthetic structures, and making customized braces.


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Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography, protrusion, retrusion, tooth tork, intercutaneous angle, physiological occlusion

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy