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Morphofunctional characteristics of adrenals of female rats in the conditions of adaptation to the intensive muscular load and whey protein intake

[Experimental medicine]
Nikolay Belyaev; Dmitry Ponomarenko; Lyubov Gubareva; Irina Lisova;

Objective: to estimate the morphological and functional state of the cortex of the adrenal glands of female rats, performing muscle load while taking whey protein. The experiment was carried out on adult female rats, line Vistar weighing 122.8±4.3 g. For the muscular load simulation treadmill was used. Ration of the II group rats did not differ
from rats of I (control) group. Ration of rats of the III group included whey protein at the dose of 3.3 g per 100 g of body weight. Whey protein was dissolved in 20 ml of milk.

It was found that intensive muscular loads initiated adaptive and pathological changes of morphological and functional parameters of the adrenal glands in female rats. In rats on a normal diet, sclerotization of the adrenal glands and hypertrophy of the glomerular, fascicular and reticular zones of the cortex were recorded. The most pronounced hypertrophy was determined in the bundle zone: the number of vacuolated cells was reduced. As a result of calculating the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in the cells of the fasciculus of the adrenal cortex, an increase in the size of the total area of the nuclei of endocrine cells and a decrease in the total area of the cytoplasm of the cells were established. The revealed hypertrophy of the cortical layer of the adrenal glands is associated with the reaction of the microvascular bed: hyperemia, dilatation of the lumen of the vessels, edema of the tissue. The intake of milk whey proteins helps reduce the negative impact of stress of intense physical exertion, leveling or minimizing pathological changes in adaptation.


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Keywords: female rats, muscular load, adrenal cortex, micromorphometric study, milk whey protein

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy