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Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Sanatorium-spa treatment of patients with arterial hypertension: selection of tactics by mathematical modeling

Stanislav Abramovich; Victor Drobyshev;

The article substantiates the relevance of the use of mathematical modeling in choosing the method of sanatorium treatment. The number of patients who participated in the study is 72 (30 men and 42 women) aged 51.3±3.1 years (from 20 to 74 years). Arterial hypertension was observed in 1–2 stages, 1st degree, low, medium and high risk of complications. The results of therapy are differentiated due to the choice of treatment tactics in the sanatorium complex.

The best results were shown by hemodynamic parameters, the severity of clinical manifestations of the disease, and also by the parameters of the quality of life of those patients to whom treatment was prescribed using mathematical modeling. The treatment carried out in the sanatorium complex improves the quality of life of patients by influencing the physical component of health.

Planning spa therapy, taking into account the principles of mathematical modeling allows to determine more accurately the tactics of sanatorium treatment.


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Keywords: hypertension, mathematical modeling, choice of treatment

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy