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ISSN 2073-8137

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The analysis of death outcomes in patients of antituberculosis dispensary: tuberculosis in combination with HIV infection

[Infectious diseases]
Larisa Puzyreva; Anna Mordyk; Sergey Mordyk; Viktoria Antropova; Larisa Zhigalova; Alexander Pugachev; Irina Nikolayeva; Elena Shestak;

The article presents the analysis of 591 deaths of patients of the antituberculosis dispensary in 2012–2015. The main group included 227 patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis of various location. The comparison group consisted of 364 patients with tuberculosis without HIV infection. Nonparametric statistical criteria were used for mathematical analysis. Among patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and generalized tuberculosis were more common; in one out of every three patients mycobacteria of tuberculosis were isolated; every second patient demonstrated drug resistance. The lack of antiretroviral therapy due to refusals, severe course of tuberculosis, lack of adherence to treatment and its late beginning also contributed to the rate of death in patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis.


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Keywords: tuberculosis, HIV infection, death outcome

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy