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ISSN 2073-8137

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Dismicroelementoses in children with urticaria of various degrees of severity

Alexander Lebedenko; Galina Yalovega G; Stanislav Maltcev; Lidia Averkina; Anastasia Posevina; Olga Semernik; Anton Funik;

The features of the microelement status of children with acute urticaria based on the determination of the microelements in the hair have been studied. 40 patients with acute urticaria aged 2–12 years were examined. In all children with mild urticaria dysmicroelementosis was characterized by an absolute decrease in the content of zinc and nickel, and in patients with a moderate-to-severe course, a decrease in the content of not only zinc but also calcium was noted. With increasing severity of urticaria nickel and chlorine concentration decreases. The revealed features of dysmicroelementosis in children with various severity of urticaria should be taken into account when choosing the method of prevention and treatment.


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Keywords: children, urticaria, microelements

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy