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of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Peculiarities of lipide metabolism in children of Stavropol Territory with pulmonary mucoviscidosis

[Original research] [Pediatrics]
Angelina Kalmykova; Ella Vodovozova;

Study of lipid, LP-spectrum of serum, lipids and phospholipids of erythrocyte membrane was performed in 20 children with exacerbation of pulmonary MV admitted to the pulmonary department of Regional children’s hospital in 1999 – 2009. Control group consisted of 20 healthy children – inhabitants of Stavropol Territory.

Study of serum lipids before treatment has shown increase of ОЛ, НЭЖК, ЭХ, ЛФТХ, СФМ, ТГ, ФТЭА and decrease of ФТХ in the main group in comparison with healthy children. Increase of ЛФТХ, СФМ, ФТХ, ТГ and decrease ФТЭА, ОФЛ, СХ, НЭЖК was revealed in the phospholipid and lipid spectrum of erythrocyte membrane before treatment in comparison with controls. After treatment levels of ЛФТХ, ФТХ and ТГ also remained authentically increased compared to healthy children and ФТЭА and НЭЖК were reliably lower.

Studying of the serum LP-spectrum has revealed high concentrations of HM, pre-β-LP, β-LP, КНА and decrease of α-LP and α/β ratio in comparison with controls. After the treatment serum levels of HM, pre-β-LP, β-LP and КНА dropped, while α-LP and the α/β ratio increased but did not amount to the norm.


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Keywords: mucoviscidosis, lipids, lipoproteins, erythrocyte membrane, children

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy