Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Significance for diagnostics fetal hemoglobin tissue hypoxia in chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis

Boleslav Levitan; Tatyana Kasyanova; Yuliana Titarenko;

The research of level of fetal hemoglobin of 69 patients with chronic hepatitis and 195 with liver cirrhosis is conducted. Value of fetal hemoglobin as marker of a tissue hypoxia is established in chr onic liver diseases.


1. Garbuzenko D. V. Vestnik RAMN. – Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013;1:52-57.
2. Kas’yanova T. R., Levitan B. N., Krivencev Yu. A., Nikulina D. M. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya. – Fundamental research. 2011;10-3:505-508.
3. Kas’yanova T. R., Levitan B. N., Krivencev Yu. A., Nikulina D. M., Titarenko Yu. B. Astrahanskij medicinskij zhurnal. – Astrakhan Medical Journal. 2012; 7(4):138-140.
4. Kas’yanova T. R., Krivencev Yu. A., Levitan B. N. Sposob opredeleniya stepeni tyazhesti tkanevoj gipoksii pri hronicheskih diffuznyh zabolevaniyah pecheni. – patent na izobretenie. The method for determining the degree of tissue hypoxia severity in chronic diffuse liver diseases. Patent RUS 2463611 22.04.2011.
5. Krivencev Yu. A. Gemoglobiny cheloveka: immunobiohimicheskaya harakteristika i mediko-biologicheskoe znachenie. Moskva; 2009. 42 р.

Keywords: chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fetal hemoglobin, hypoxemia

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy