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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Burdened alcohol anamnesis as a risk factor associated with self -injury by prisoners

Edgar Mordovsky; Andrew Solovyov; Anatoly Sannikov; Sergey Tagaev;

Aim: to assess the relationship between the characteristics of social status, alcoholic anamnesis and self-injury episodes among repeatedly convicted prisoners. 433 prisoners convicted for «dangerous» and «especially dangerous» relapse of crimes were questioned. Binary logistic regression analysis was applied to assess the strength of the
relationship between the characteristics of the socio-demographic status, alcohol anamnesis of prisoners and episodes of self-injury. 17.6% of respondents had episodes of self-injury. Marital and educational status of prisoners was identical in groups of those who had episodes of self-injury and those who had not them. Alcohol consumption on the eve of committing repeated crimes, a higher score in AUDIT test were associated with higher odds ratio to have self-injury episodes (OR: 4.752, 95%: 2.308–9.785 and OR: 1.089, 95%: 1.047–1.133, respectively). Alcohol dependency among repeatedly convicted prisoners is associated with a higher odds ratio of self-injury episodes through the mechanism of
self-preservation behavior. Its characteristics are distorted under the influence of criminal subculture. It is proved that AUDIT test can be used for risk group identifying of self-injury among repeatedly convicted prisoners.


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Keywords: self-injury episodes, alcohol anamnesis, alcohol abuse

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy