Medical news
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Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Comparative analysis of women’s satisfaction with the quality of obstetric and gynecological care provided in big cities and small towns in the south of Russia

Margarita Andreeva; Lyudmila Tkachenko; Marina Selikhova; Elena Fetisovа; Nikolai Zharkin; Sergey Vdovin; Dmitriy Speransky;

In research we compared women’s satisfaction with the quality of obstetric and gynecological care provided in cities and towns in the South of Russia. The data showed that a significantly higher amount of questioned pregnant women were satisfied with the quality of health care services and the care provided by obstetricians and gynecologists in prenatal clinics in cities than in towns. To improve the quality of health care services provided to women residing in small towns in the South of Russia, it is necessary to develop a number of institutional and preventive measures and introduce them into maternity practices.


1. Andreeva M. V. Zhurnal akusherstva i zhenskikh bolezney. – Journal of obstetrics and woman disease. 2005; 54(1):78-85.
2. Anisimov M. V. Mediko-sotsialnye aspekty dostupnosti, udovletvorennosti naseleniya kachestvom meditsinskoy pomoshchi i puti povysheniya ikh urovnya: avtoref. dis. …kand. med. nauk. Voronezh; 2011. 23 р.
3. Delaryu V. V. Konkretnye sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya v meditsine. Volgograd: «Izdatelstvo VolGMU»; 2005. 88 р.
4. Petrova N. G. Problemy upravleniya zdravookhraneniyem. – Journal Problems manangement health. 2009;1(44):59-62.
5. Chakhoyan A. O. Izucheniye mneniya zhenshchin selskoy mestnosti o problem abortov, kontratseptsii i reproduktivnogo zdorovya: avtoref. dis. … kand. med. nauk. Gelendzhik; 2011. 27 р.

Keywords: quality of obstetric and gynecological care, women, reproductiv e health, prevention

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy