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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Vitamin D levels in newborns children of Stavropol Region

Leonid Klimov; Svetlana Dolbnya; Victoria Kuryaninova; Lilit Аlaverdyan; Аnna Kasyanova; Dmitry Bobryshev; Tatiana Bondar; Georgy Anisimov; L. Аbramskaya;

Vitamin D has a wide range of biological effects. There is evidence suggesting an important role of vitamin D in women’s reproductive health, yet there has been no research focusing on newborns in South Russia. The purpose of this current study was to analyze the levels of vitamin D in newborns in the Stavropol Region. The clinical, anamnestic, and laboratory examination involved 60 newborns. The levels of vitamin D were assessed based on serum content of calcidiol, while the mothers’ pregnancy courses were also taken into account. The mean content of serum 25(ОН)D3 was 9.9±0.7 ng/ml. The study showed that the vast majority of the patients (98.3%) lacked vitamin D while in over a half of them (56.7%) the deficiency was severe. It was shown that complicated somatic, obstetric and gynecological history is an important factor for antenatal hypovitaminosis D in newborns (р<0.05). In case of mothers’ taking multivitamin preparations through pregnancies, severe vitamin D deficiency in newborns had an occurrence twice below that in infants whose mothers failed to take additional vitamin supply (р<0.001). There is confirmation to the need for targeted antenatal prevention of hypovitaminosis D in order to reach proper levels of calciferol in the early neonatal period.


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Keywords: vitamin D, newborn, hypovitaminosis d, pregnancy failure, antenatal prophylaxis

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy