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ISSN 2073-8137

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Comparative characteristics of injuries in blunt abdominal trauma with liver damage in cases of compression impact on the abdominal area an d falls on stomach

[Original research] [Surgery]
Yuri Pigolkin; Irina Dubrovina; Arshak Mosoyan; Vladimir Nikolenko; Alexey Bychkov; Bella Khachaturian; Egor Sedykh;

The compression of the chest and abdomen can cause lacerations of organ parenchyma, the location of ruptures depends on the place of impact. If pressure impacts anterior surface of the body local ruptures of the ventral part of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver developed, local secondary ruptures resulting from severe trauma of ribs and also antipodal ruptures (that occur on the opposite side of the point of impact) and peripheral breaks on the posterior part of the diaphragmatic surface of the body can occur. In all cases, the central lacerations associated with severe deformation of the body take place. If pressure impacts posterior surface of the body the dorsal margin of the diaphragmatic surface and visceral surface of the body are damaged. Such lacerations of liver are associated with intense pressure down the liver to the anterior abdominal wall. In cases of fall on the stomach multiple indirect damages developed. The location of these lacerations on the opposite side of the point of impact allows evaluate them as antipodal ruptures. The absence of local and central lacerations and presence of severe antipodal ruptures corresponds to the formula of damage characteristic of falls from a height: the prevalence of «internal damage over the external». These features can be used in forensic examination of blunt trauma of the abdomen.


1. Dubrovina I. A. Meditsinskaya ekspertiza i pravo. – Medical examination and the right. 2012;4:40-43.
2. Dubrovina I. A. Meditsinskaya ekspertiza i pravo. – Medical examination and the right. 2012;6:5-10.
3. Pigolkin Yu. I., Nikolenko V. N., Zolotenkova G. V., Dallakyan V. F. Saratovsky nauchno-meditsinsky zhurnal. – Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific. 2012;8(4):900- 905.
4. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A., Dubrovin I. A. Sudebno- meditsinskaya ekspertiza. – Forensic medical examination. 2012;4:10-13.
5. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A., Dubrovin I. A., Shestakov A. M., Volodko S. N. Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza. – Forensic medical examination. 2013;1:10 12.
6. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A., Dubrovin I. A. Sudebno- meditsinskaya ekspertiza. – Forensic medical examination. 2012;4:10-13.
7. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A., Dubrovin I. A. Sudebno- meditsinskaya ekspertiza. – Forensic medical examination. 2012;5:8-10.
8. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A., Dubrovin I. A., Shestakov A. M., Khachaturyan B. S. Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza. – Forensic medical examination. 2013;2:22-26.
9. Pigolkin Yu. I., Dubrovina I. A. Vestnik sudebnoy meditsiny. – Bulletin of Forensic Medicine. 2012;2:37-44.
10. Pigolkin Y. I., Dubrovin I. A., Dubrovina I. A., Chirkov R. N. International Jornal of Legal Medicine ILAM 2012: 22 nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine. 2012:S82-S83.

Keywords: blunt abdominal trauma, rupture, lacerations

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy