Medical news
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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Biochemical basis of the psychological status of women – wrestlers

[Internal diseases]
Nikolay Belyaev; Sergey Piskov; Natalia Okolito;

Diagnosis of psychological girls – freestyle wrestlers gender revealed a high percentage of androgyny and masculinity. Average androgyny of athletes was 0,18, which indicates predominantly male personality features in athletes. As far as sportsman skills growing increase in muscle component of soma and testosterone levels in the blood were marked. Hyperandrogenism is provided by adrenal hypertrophy and adaptive morphological and functional changes in the ovaries.


1. Belyaev N. G., Samoylenko V. Yu., Suslov K. Yu. Morfofunktsionalnye osobennosti reproduktivnoy sistemy samok krys, adaptirovannykh k myshechnym nagruzkam. Sovremennoye obrazovaniye. Fizicheskaya kulturai turizm: mater. mezhdunarodnoy nauch. prak. konf. Sochi; 2010. Р. 58-60.
2. Belyaev N. G., Samoylenko V. Yu., Suslov K. Yu. Vestnik Stavropolskogo gos. universiteta. – Bulletin of the Stavropol State University. 2011;74:75-81.
3. Bunak V. V. Antropometriya. M.; 1941. 289 р.
4. Ilyin Ye. P. Differentsialnaya psikhofiziologiya muzhchiny i zhenshchiny. SPb.:«Piter»; 2002. 544 р.
5. Bem S. L. Journal of Consulting and Clinikal Psychology. 1974;42:155-162.

Keywords: muscular load, diagnosis of psychological gender, anthropometry, hormones

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy